At Social Hinge I was given full creative freedom on three projects. Those were improving the company Instagram (@socialhingeinc), creating marketing material for the brand, and designing a monthly newsletter focusing on the influencer marketing industry. 
The Instagram needed a personality. It previously lacked consistency and didn't have an aesthetic that tied in with the brand. I decided to start from scratch and create graphics that fall under one of three categories; promotional, informative, and memes (to keep the account lighthearted and shareable). 
These posts included industry related memes, successful brand partnerships, industry trends and predictions, latest news, and videos educating followers on Social Hinge. 
BEFORE                                                                       AFTER
The monthly newsletter project was a resource to learn more about influencer marketing while also making that information accessible and digestible for followers. It also became a great way to consistently push my creative abilities. 

Below is the 2020 Olympics Edition.
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